When Does ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’ Return? Everything We Know About Final Episodes

Rob Lowe, Jim Parrack, Julian Works, and Natacha Karam in the 'Kiddos' episode of 9-1-1 Lone Star
Kevin Estrada / FOX

It looks like the 126 is going to go out with a bang, with three episodes left to air before 9-1-1: Lone Star signs off after five seasons.

Since 2020, we’ve followed Owen (Rob Lowe), Tommy (Gina Torres), T.K. (Ronen Rubinstein), Judd (Jim Parrack), Paul (Brian Michael Smith), Marjan (Natacha Karam), Carlos (Rafael Silva), Mateo (Julian Works), and Nancy (Brianna Baker) as they’ve tackled emergencies in Austin and deal with their own personal drama. But how will it all end? Below, we’ve rounded up everything we know about the final episodes with the 126, from when the show returns to what to expect from the series finale.

When does 9-1-1: Lone Star return in 2025?

The midseason premiere will air on Monday, January 20, at 8/7c on Fox.

When’s the 9-1-1: Lone Star series finale?

The 9-1-1: Lone Star series finale is set for Monday, February 3, at 8/7c.

Where did 9-1-1: Lone Star leave off in 2024?

In the midseason finale, Carlos finally closed the case on his father’s murder (it was the chief) and decided that he was ready to adopt T.K.’s half-brother Jonah. Owen was offered the position of fire chief in New York and was ready to take it — until he realized that Judd (whom he’d wanted to take over for him as captain of the 126) has been drinking to cope with his wife Grace (Sierra McClain) away after joining Mercy Ships.

What’s the final emergency for the 126?

An asteroid is heading for Austin. (No, really.) The promo for the final episodes offers a look at the alert and subsequent order to find shelter immediately.

“We have some of our most insane apocalyptic emergencies in 11 and 12. It’s basically a combination of The Last of Us and Chernobyl. It mirrors where all of the characters are, and most of them are in an apocalyptic space for one reason or another,” co-showrunner Rashad Raisani told TV Insider.

Will Owen move back to New York to be fire chief?

Owen did turn down the job upon realizing what’s been going on with Judd, but that doesn’t mean the door is fully closed on it. As Raisani told us, “Never say never.”

After all, Owen did start the series in New York, and this offer “just felt, to me, like a beautiful kind of home song for him to give him some full circle and to start thinking about the end of the show and where do we leave Owen, our main character,” Raisani added. “His history is in New York and I think 9/11 never has left. I mean, that’s a fundamental part of Owen’s DNA. And so I think that anything connected to that is going to have a stronger pull than anything that serves what he wants.”

Will everyone survive the 9-1-1: Lone Star series finale?

Maybe? After all, Raisani teased, “There may be new babies. I won’t tell you who. There may be deaths. I won’t tell you who.”

Will Tommy return to the 126?

Tommy had to step away after her cancer diagnosis, and as she receives treatment, Nancy is interim paramedic captain. But it feels like we have to see Tommy back at the 126 before the series ends, right? Raisani refused to answer that but did say, “Let’s just say Gina Torres is a Ferrari. You don’t leave a Ferrari in the garage forever.”

Gina Torres in the "Naked Truth" episode of 9-1-1 Lone Star

Kevin Estrada / FOX

Will Sierra McClain appear as Grace in the final 9-1-1: Lone Star episodes?

No, she won’t, as Raisani told us at the beginning of the season. But Grace’s absence is felt with Judd’s storyline. Before Judd and Grace met, “he was kind of a mess. He was drinking too much, he was fighting, he had problems. I mean, really, his issues were anger and alcohol. We wanted to play that Grace has been the stabilizing force,” Raisani explained, revealing that Judd’s arc came about after they found out McClain wouldn’t be back.

We will hear “indirectly” about Grace finding out what’s going on with her husband. “There will be a moment at the end of Episode 10. Grace is very involved, even though she’s not on the show, with Judd’s journey in Episode 10,” the co-showrunner teased.

Will T.K. and Carlos adopt Jonah?

That’s where 9-1-1: Lone Star left the fan-favorite couple, and while we didn’t see the moment where Carlos told T.K. he’s on board with the adoption, going forward, Raisani promised, “We are going to play all of the emotion between Carlos and T.K. about the adoption, just not in this moment. We are not going to see the moment where he says, okay, let’s adopt him. Episode 11 is all about the adoption. So we will cover that background.” But there will be issues when it comes to balancing their jobs and being parents.

9-1-1: Lone Star, Returns, Monday, January 20, 8/7c, Fox

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