The ‘Lost’ Send-Up ‘Wrecked’ Sets Up High-Concept Hijinks for Season 3

Back in June, creators Jordan and Justin Shipley warned us that the second season of Wrecked would take a major turn. They weren’t kidding. After defeating a gang of bumbling pirates, it looked like the castaways in this Lost parody were finally headed home. But if you expected things to go smoothly once they found the pirates’ hijacked ship, you don’t know Wrecked.
Season 2’s finale finds Owen (Zach Cregger, center) and Co. on a sinking ship, with the unlucky group attempting to escape. All of which leads to yet another reset of the comedy series. “The very last shot of the season kind of teases a big, high-concept premise for Season 3,” says Justin. Have we seen the last of the island and the pirates? “We intentionally left it vague,” Justin teases. “Our core group of pirates are definitely still kind of on the chess board.”
Wrecked, Season Finale, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 10:30/9:30c, TBS