‘The Big Door Prize’ Cast Talks Morpho’s Next Stage & New Dynamics in Season 2

Chris O'Dowd as Dusty and Gabrielle Dennis as Cass in 'The Big Doo Prize' Season 2 Episode 2
Apple TV+

The residents of Deerfield are moving on to the “next stage” with the mysterious Morpho machine, which appeared in the town and told them their “potentials,” in The Big Door Prize Season 2 (premiering with the first three episodes on April 24 on Apple TV+). But are they ready?

“No, I don’t think he’s really ready for any of it. He’s just being dragged along by a current of madness, so he’s trying to react and swim gamely to the side and catching on to whatever crossing log might bring him to safety,” Chris O’Dowd (who plays Dusty) tells TV Insider. “So I don’t know if he’s ready, but he’s willing, I suppose.”

On the other hand, Giorgio is “definitely ready,” according to Josh Segarra. “He’s always been ready, and now he finally has somebody to accept his ready. Nat [Mary Holland] and Giorgio together, it’s like the Power Rangers when they get inside their giant megatron beast. I feel like Giorgio was one of the Rangers and he finally met Nat and that’s his powerful force and when together they combine, they become the Power Rangers.”

Mary Holland and Josh Segarra in The Big Door Prize

Apple TV+

There are some more fun interactions to be had in Season 2 between Dusty and Giorgio, and each could use something the other has to offer.

“I think that Giorgio’s got a lot of get up and go and I think Dusty’s got a lot of, ‘Hey, stay put and relax,’ and probably could do with a little bit of that energy and somebody who can elevate him a little. I think he probably feels a bit down on himself at home, so that’s a good combo,” says O’Dowd.

Segarra agrees, adding that his character may “need somebody that can tell you like, ‘Hey, we’re doing okay here. Everything’s fine. Don’t worry about them over there. We’re doing good here.’ And I think that’s what Dusty does for Giorgio, that’s why he’s his best friend. Giorgio comes back to Deerfield after being a superstar in the NHL and he comes back and who’s going to tell him that he’s doing okay? Dusty. ‘This is good too. Look at what you’ve done with this restaurant.'”

Adds O’Dowd, “This is where the now is.”

In Season 2, Dusty and Cass (Gabrielle Dennis) decide to take time apart, and as they’re figuring out what that means, she starts to spend more time with Hana (Ally Maki).

Ally Maki as Hana in 'The Big Door Prize' Season 2 Episode 1

Apple TV+

“Hana’s like this cool kid, and she just feels as if nothing fazes her,” explains Dennis. “[She seems] able to be alone. There’s strength in the ability to move through life by yourself. When I see someone out at a restaurant eating by themselves or going to movies by themselves, there’s something very strong and powerful in seeing that. And I think there’s a power that Cass sees in Hannah that she enjoys.”

Adds Maki, “I think Hana is really drawn to the vulnerability in Cass. There was a moment where Cass is on the phone with Dusty, and I remember just overhearing that and thinking as Hana, ‘Oh man, there’s a vulnerability to this woman that I really like. And I like that she’s willing to put it all out there and lay these cards on the table. Even though you think that she has this perfect life, she may not, and who does really?’ I think maybe she’s opening herself up to, maybe there’s other people who are dealing with the same kind of things, being lonely—even though she’s been with a partner for so long—that loneliness can look different in different people and in different situations. So I think she almost sees her own soul in another person in that moment.”

The Big Door Prize, based on M.O. Walsh’s novel, sees everyone’s potentials exchanged for visions, with new relationships forming and new questions being asked in Season 2. The small town is once again left questioning what they thought they knew about their lives, relationships, potentials, and about the Morpho itself. Following the premiere, episodes will drop weekly on Wednesdays through June 12.

What are you hoping to see in Season 2? Let us know in the comments section, below.

The Big Door Prize, Season 2 Premiere (three episodes), Wednesday, April 24, Apple TV+