16 Things You Might’ve Missed in ‘The 100’ Season 6 Trailer (PHOTOS)

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Kane’s alive!

After his fate was left up in the air at the end of last season, it’s comforting to see our favorite moralistic peacekeeper Marcus Kane alive and well. He and Abby seem to be doing just fine, too, though their scenes appear to be limited to the Eligius ship.

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Lookin’ fiiiine

It’s been a couple seasons since we saw Clarke in a dress… or anything clean, for that matter. This’ll be an interesting — and fun — costume change, and might mark a change in her status with the planet’s government. No one else is shown in such nice clothes…

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TWO dresses?!?

The dress in the previous slide looks reddish or pink, but this one is clearly blue. Is Clarke getting multiple dresses in the same season? If Clarke somehow gets “in” with the ruling elite, maybe she adopts their dress code. At any rate, the party scene shown in the trailer looks all kinds of trippy.

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A grounder once more

This shot makes it apparent Octavia makes it to the ground on the new planet. She’s back to doing what she does best: fighting.

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Octavia vs. Niylah?

This could just be routine sparring and not evidence of bad blood between these two.
Or, maybe more likely — that nasty eclipse has affected Niylah and Octavia.

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Pretty colors

Earth might be destroyed, but this place sure isn’t. In what promises to be one of the prettiest sets the show has had, it becomes clear the new planet is full of civilization, color and life.

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New planet, new rulers

Is anyone else getting a Hunger Games Capitol vibe? These guys, including Teen Wolf’s JR Bourne, look like they’re potentially part of a ruling monarchy on the new planet. Or they just like to dress fancy and live in a castle. Who can say?

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Finally happy

When was the last time we saw Clarke this elated? Hopefully this isn’t some kind of psychosis-induced hallucination or manic state. It looks like she’s got some more fancy clothes and has been able to get back to her art, assuming the paintings on the wall are hers.

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What is this thing?

It’s no ordinary snake, that’s for sure. We had gross flesh-eating worms last season, this season we’re getting mutant snakes.

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New grounders

The trailer tells us there are people on the ground who want Clarke and her friends dead, and it looks like the planet has some version of grounders. But wait! It’s possible these people might not want to hurt Clarke and her friends, but rather to make their way into Sanctum if they’re being kept out by that strange-looking fence shown in the trailer. If that’s the case, Clarke and her pals might have to take sides in an ongoing conflict rather than starting a new one. Or, y’know, maybe these “grounders” do want them dead, and it’s as simple as that.

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Creepy lab alert

If the crew investigates the Eligius III mission — as one can assume they will — it’s possible this place could’ve been one of their labs. The crowd of skeletons on the other side of that doorway sure looks ominous.

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Making new friends… or not

It looks like Clarke and kru (Bellamy and Murphy seem to be here) will be trying to take down the new planet’s leadership through assassination. The fact that Clarke’s in her Eligius ship clothes invites one to ponder how early in the season this happens.

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Making new friends… or not, Part II

This shot was edited in the trailer to make it look as though Clarke was shoving Octavia to the ground in this scene, but that doesn’t seem to be what’s really happening. Clarke’s in her clothes from the dance party earlier in the trailer, and whoever’s in front of her seems to be dressed fancy, too. Perhaps she’s taking down a member of the planet’s government?

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Changing the past

Unless the new planet has invented time travel (hey, don’t count it out!), this is a hallucination or a dream. Clarke seems to be in her Mount Weather clothes and even has a similar hairdo to the one she wore in Season 2, but this time she’s on the outside of that door, looking at the glass she broke. Is this some kind of test to see whether she can change or belongs on the new world?

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Shall we play a game?

What is going on with Madi and this mysterious, creepy Commander? Here it looks like they’re playing a version of grounder chess. Take a look at the piece all the way to Madi’s left, closest to her: That definitely looks like the Polis tower.

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Octavia vs. Blodreina

While Clarke’s going back to Mount Weather, it looks like O will be reliving her time in the fighting pits — this time as a combatant, rather than their overlord. It’s safe to say this battle with herself could be one of the most intense moments this season. How will she win a fight against someone who knows her every move?

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After a pretty sparse hiatus, starving fans of The 100 have finally been fed … and what a banquet they’ve been served with this first trailer for Season 6.

It seems Clarke and her friends will be welcomed, to some extent, on the colorful new planet. Of course, all isn’t as it seems — they’ll be battling what appear to be the civilization’s ruling elite, new “grounders” and their own minds through eclipse-induced psychosis (yikes). Given that the place is called “Sanctum” — which, by definition, can be “a sacred place” or “a private place from which most are excluded,” it seems fitting the group might have to fight for their right to exist in a world that could hold their ultimate paradise… or, from a few shots in the trailer, could be utterly poisonous.

Click through the gallery above for 16 things that stood out to us in the trailer.