‘The Magicians’: Behind the Scenes of the Musical Episode (VIDEO)
Two words, Fillorians: Musical heist.
Yep, this year’s musical — which is also, sadly, The Magicians‘ penultimate episode — is a singing-and-dancing Ocean’s 11-ish head trip showcasing some of our favorite characters in surprising pairings. Not to spoil the playlist, we can say there are some delightful deep cuts from the ’80s as the gang attempts to best The Couple and swipe the World Seed from a hotel protected by a ditty-triggering charm.
And yes, Kady gets a HUGE note.
Thankfully, the good folks at Syfy publicity had the foresight to send cameras to the set in Vancouver to catch some of the fun during filming and quiz the cast on what they get to do and why these musical outings are so special to them and fans.
Fun facts dropped along the way: Trevor Einhorn’s wife, Alyx Andrushuk, choreographed the fabulously out-there episode, which was written by Elle Lipson, Joey Mireles and EP John McNamara, and directed by Meera Menon. Check it out above.
The Magicians, Wednesdays, 10/9c, Syfy