‘The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2’ Sneak Peek: Bananas vs. Paulie (VIDEO)

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With another episode of The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 come more problems for the U.S. team.

That is, if you can even consider them a team since they’re not playing like one. TV Insider has an exclusive sneak peek at the latest problems for the team, and Johnny Bananas and Paulie Calafiore are right in the middle of it.

Actually, Josh Martinez is really the one in the middle, with Zach Nichols rightfully calling him “the child of two angry, divorced parents” as Johnny and Paulie fight about who the next speaker for their team should be.

We’ve seen in the past couple episodes just how important it is to be in the tribunal now that the U.S. team has no problems throwing one of their own into a Proving Ground elimination. And they could once again lose a strong player if the wrong person holds that power.

Watch the clip below to see who wants to be speaker and how the U.K. team reacts to the U.S. players’ fighting.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2, Wednesdays, 9/8c, MTV