Quiz: Do You Know ‘Game of Thrones ‘ Characters’ Last Words?

Game of Thrones - kill the masters

Game of Thrones has racked up quite the body count over the years.

Now, with the show wrapping up its sixth season, it feels like a good time to look back at all the good, bad and ugly people we’ve lost over the years.  Yes, on Game of Thrones the heroes don’t live very long. Luckily, for every Ned Stark we lose, we also lose a Joffrey Baratheon.

RELATED: Who Could Die, Survive or Come Back to Life on Game of Thrones?

Some of these beloved characters saw their deaths coming, and were able to deliver final words worthy of the lives they lived. Others were not so lucky. How many of these Game of Thrones last lines can you correctly pair with the character who said them? Take our quiz and find out!

Warning! This quiz contains spoilers through the Season 6 finale.