Cast & Crew
Shazad Latif Captain Nemo
Jacob Collins-Levy Youngblood
Cameron Cuffe Pitt
Benedict Hardie Cuff
Georgia Flood Humility Lucas
Thierry Frémont Gustave Benoit
Céline Menville Loti
Kayden Price Blaster
Arlo Green Turan
Ling Cooper Tang Suyin
Pacharo Mzembe Boniface
Chum Ehelepola Jagadish
Andrew Shaw Jiacomo
Damien Garvey Director Crawley
Luke Arnold Captain Billy Millais
Leeanna Walsman Hilda
Darren Gilshenan Punch
Tyrone Ngatai Kai
Ashan Kumar Ranbir
James Dormer Creator
Jules Verne Writer (Novel)
Nainita Desai Music
Ben Nott Cinematography
Johanna Devereaux Executive Producer
James Dormer Executive Producer
Chris Loveall Executive Producer
Xavier Marchand Executive Producer
Anand Tucker Executive Producer
Daisy Gilbert Co-Executive Producer
Xavier Marchand Producer
Cameron Welsh Producer
Anand Tucker Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2024– Series 1 Season10 Episodes
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2024– Series 1 Season10 Episodes
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