What’s Worth Watching: The Countdown Begins on The Following

The Following, “The Edge/A Simple Trade” (Monday, May 11, 8/7c, Fox)
Death has never been a shy one on The Following. In past seasons, the closer to the finale, the more the Grim Reaper has made a mess of things. This year, the body count among the key characters has been mercifully low—a few random FBI agents, Joe Carroll, hot Kyle—but nobody we’ve really gone “NO!!” over. Since tonight’s penultimate episode is two hours long, and relapsing Ryan is enough of a drunken disaster to put one of his own in harm’s way in the pursuit of Theo (Michael Ealy), fans should start bracing ourselves for a major fatality. Also, let’s not forget that crazy Mark (Sam Underwood) and Daisy (Ruth Kearney) are still out there stalking Mike (Shawn Ashmore) and Max (Jessica Stroup), who could wind up dropping their guards if they hit the sheets again. However, it should be noted that if it anything tragic befalls either of those two, we might be the next ones to go on a murderous rampage.