Samantha Bee on the Summer of Our Discontent (VIDEO)
On Wednesday’s Full Frontal, Samantha Bee celebrated the official start of summer by recapping all the awful s**t that’s going on in…well, just in America right now.
The “healthcare” bill (a.k.a. major tax cuts for the wealthy) that Mitch McConnell has chained up in the basement of the Capitol, waiting to unleash it on the working poor like Daenerys’ dragons. Jon Ossoff’s loss in Georgia 6 and the utter implosion of the Democratic party that it obviously portends. (Thanks a lot, Nancy Pelosi!) Last week’s senseless shooting at a congressional baseball practice. The Philando Castile verdict. Bill Cosby.
(Syria? London? Honey, a girl can only sweat so much in one half-hour satirical news show.)
The host capped it all off with a desperate plea for sanity. “Guys! It’s summer! Please, find someone you disagree with and take them out to a goddamn sportsball game!”