‘The Irrational’ Sneak Peek: Alec Explains Reasoning for 24-Hour Date to Karen David (VIDEO)
Well, this might be the best way to either get to know someone — or ensure it’ll be the last time these two people spend time together.
In the November 6 episode of The Irrational, Alec Mercer (Jesse L. Martin) convinces corporate fixer Rose Dinshaw (guest star Karen David) to go on a 24-hour long first date with him, and TV Insider has an exclusive sneak peek at the beginning of it.
Alec does get off to a good start, giving her tulips (“I figure you get a lot of roses”) and thanking her for joining him. “Anything for science,” she says, adding, “though a 24-hour date experiment might be the most convoluted excuse a man has used to get me into bed.” Alec insists “that’s not the objective,” explaining, “Anyone can make a good impression over an hour or two after a couple cocktails, and technically this isn’t an experiment, since there’s no control.”
So is it that he needs 24 hours to impress her? As he sees it, “Spending that time together while we do our jobs, taking a break for sleeping separately, will give us a chance to really get to know each other.” Watch the full clip above for more from the two of them.
But as the logline for the episode, “The Real Deal,” teases, this date will take a turn, as the two find themselves taking on an investigation involving a forged masterpiece. Plus, Marisa (Maahra Hill) and Kylie (Travina Springer) try to revive their friendship, which has faltered since Alec and Marisa’s divorce.
“We are going to do more with Kylie and Marisa because we always had in mind — or I always had in mind when I created these characters — that there was a really close relationship there before the divorce,” showrunner and executive producer Arika Lisanne Mittman told TV Insider earlier this season. “They’ve got a little bit to work through because they’ve been a little bit distanced from each other since the divorce. That’s been hard on both of them, too, because — again, I like to keep this really grounded human element to it — something that happens when couples get divorced is that there’s collateral damage and people who have friendships, people outside of the marriage itself, are affected by it and find their relationships impacted by it.”
She continued, “How does Kylie continue to be a good friend to Marisa and be a good sister to Alec? Can she be both? Can she continue to have good strong relationships with both? We’ll call that into question, and we will land hopefully on the other side of that and see Marisa and Kylie spending more time together again.”
The Irrational, Mondays, 10/9c, NBC