The Summit
Cast & Crew
Manu Bennett Host
Pati Arana Contestant
Dennis Cho Contestant
Shweta Choudhury Contestant
Robert Culp Contestant
Dusty Fisher Contestant
Jeannie Geyer Contestant
Geoff Green Contestant
Punkin Jackson Contestant
Bo Martin Contestant
Rose Mattie Contestant
Nick Morgan Contestant
Therron Pittman Contestant
Beckylee Rawls Contestant
Tony Reyes Contestant
Amy Stephens Contestant
Kevin Lee Executive Producer
Sharon Levy Executive Producer
Tina Nicotera Executive Producer
Michael Heyerman Executive Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewUpcoming TV Airings
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Wednesday, November 6
Never Show Your Weakness New
Season 1 • Episode 6
Some members start to question if they can truly make the journey to the summit.
Thursday, November 7
To the Summit New
Season 1 • Episode 1
A medical emergency occurs just hours into the trek and the climbers must cross a perilous ravine.