What Did You Think of Host Jesse Palmer in ‘The Bachelor’ Premiere? (POLL)

The Bachelor is officially back for a brand-new season full of fresh faces, fresh drama, and most notably, a new host. Following host Chris Harrison’s exit from the franchise, former Bachelor star and TV host Jesse Palmer rose to the occasion on January 3, making his franchise hosting debut on the Season 26 premiere.
Sharing an NFL background with star Clayton Echard, Palmer has served as an ESPN sports analyst since 2007 in addition to his plethora of hosting gigs on shows like Good Morning America, ABC News, The Proposal, and most recently, ABC’s The Ultimate Surfer. Palmer was officially announced as host in late September.
After Harrison’s exit last spring, Bachelor Nation favorites Tayshia Adams and Kaitlyn Bristowe took over Bachelorette hosting duties for Season 17 and 18, and Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 featuring a lineup of celebrity guest hosts. The Bachelor remained without an official host during its near-year-long hiatus, though Emmanuel Acho did fill in as host of Matt James’ After the Final Rose Special in March 2021.
During his debut episode, Palmer promised to be a helping hand to Echard, telling fans, “I’m ready to do all that I possibly can to help Clayton find his soulmate.” Following his initial announcement as host, the former athlete said, “I am humbled by the opportunity to return to the show as host this season to offer the newest Bachelor advice gained from firsthand experience and I am grateful to play a small part in his journey.’
Though unconfirmed, Palmer is rumored to continue his role as host for future seasons, in addition to The Bachelorette, according to Variety sources.
Just as his casting received mixed reviews from fans, his first episode got a similar reaction, with some even joking that he and Echard looked very similar in their appearance and styling.
this is all i can think of rn #BachelorNation #bachelorabc pic.twitter.com/igw7BG44m8
— Samantha Breitbach (@sambreitbach_) January 4, 2022
The Bachelor said: let me remind you that we have a type #Bachelor pic.twitter.com/hP870dhha6
— PhD in Reality TV (@PhD_inRealityTV) January 4, 2022
these spot the difference games keep getting harder and harder #Bachelor pic.twitter.com/gKOjCkqJgA
— alexandra (@AlexTandon) January 4, 2022
Jesse Palmer just tried to make it seem he got married from the Bachelor but he literally just got married. Not deceiving OG fans #TheBachelor
— Hannah Nyren (@NyrenHannah) January 4, 2022
Still weird to see Jesse Palmer hosting #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/ENMAZoaCVa
— Marco Serna (@mjserna) January 4, 2022
Others enjoyed his familiarity and experience on the show, making him a qualified confidant to help Echard during his journey for love (while also poking fun at his similarities to Harrison).
Oh my god they put Jesse Palmer through hand choreography boot camp didn’t they??? #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/580jsq6poS
— Patti Murin (@PattiMurin) January 4, 2022
Jesse Palmer, crushed the intro. Super likable guy #TheBachelor
— Kelly Keegs (Taylor’s Version) (@kellykeegs) January 4, 2022
Crazy that Jesse Palmer’s season of #TheBachelor was 18 years ago and I’m stilllll watching this show.
— Laura (@LauraUSF) January 4, 2022
Jesse Palmer? Don’t hate it #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/eJ6hTp5O1c
— Conor McKenna (@Conor_Bananas) January 4, 2022
Soo ecstatic Jesse Palmer is hosting the Bachelor this season! I love this idea of previous members being the next Host🌹 #BachelorNation #Bachelor https://t.co/AtLvKBqbwS
— jessgreenqueen (@jessy__007) January 4, 2022
What did you think of Palmer’s first episode of The Bachelor? Are you excited to see him in future seasons? Vote in the poll below!
The Bachelor, Mondays, 8/7c, ABC