Dedicated Individuals Fight for the Value of All Life in ‘Sea of Shadows’
A looming disaster in one of the most spectacular environments on Earth sparks a rescue mission with the intensity of a Hollywood thriller.
Sea of Shadows makes its global broadcast debut Saturday, November 9 on National Geographic Channel.
A mere six hours away from Los Angeles in the deceptively placid waters off the Baja Peninsula, Mexican drug cartels and Chinese traffickers join forces to poach the rare totoaba fish in the Sea of Cortez.
Their deadly methods threaten virtually all marine life in the region, including the most elusive and endangered whale species on Earth, the vaquita porpoise.
The documentary follows a team of dedicated scientists, high-tech conservationists, investigative journalists and courageous undercover agents as well as the Mexican Navy as they put their lives on the line to fight for not just one vanishing species or ecosystem, but for the inherent value of all life on earth.
Sea of Shadows, Premiere, Saturday, November 9, 9/8c, National Geographic Channel