‘Supernatural’ Cast Gets Emotional, Reflects on Show’s Legacy at Final Comic-Con Panel

The final ever San Diego Comic-Con panel for Supernatural was expectedly nostalgic and emotional. The cast provided a healthy dose of tearful and comedic moments to the fans gathered in Hall H.
It all kicked off with a “Road So Far” recap of the show’s greatest hits set to classic rock favorites “Don’t Fear the Reaper,” “Bad Moon Rising,” and the unofficial theme song of the CW series, “Carry on Wayward Son.”
SPN family members Rob Benedict and Richard Speight, Jr. returned to moderate the highly anticipated session that featured stars Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester), Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester), Misha Collins (Castiel) and Alexander Calvert (Jack) alongside executive producers Robert Singer, Andrew Dabb, Eugenia Ross-Leming, Brad Buckner, and Robert Berens.
While there was talk about how the show will move forward from the cliffhanger that ended Season 14, the focus wasn’t on spoilers. It was on celebrating the almost 15 seasons of Supernatural and reflecting on the show’s legacy.
Padalecki: “For me, the legacy is going to be — [Jensen] and I talked about this last night — I feel like I’m really lucky that my friendships won’t go away. And, Sam Winchester, for me, won’t go away. He’ll be a part of me forever.”

Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Alexander Calvert (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Ackles: “Looking back, I’m really proud of the work that this team has done for this long. To do a show is not easy. To make television is not as easy as people think. It take a lot of very talented people to give you guys the best product we can make. I’m really proud of that product. After this long on the show, to still truly love what we do. And to be proud to hang my hat on at the end of the day. It’s one of the things I’m proud of, knowing I put in the effort…nobody phones it in here. And I’m thankful that you guys appreciate it.”
Collins: “I hope that in the future, this fandom continues to work as a family. I hope you guys continue to be a force for good and companionship in the world. You’ve been so supportive of one another and supportive of us. It’s not a fandom that’s going to go away after the show is off the air.”
Calvert: “Jack had a real not so great end to [Season 14]. For me, I think, Jack’s journey and my small part on this show has just been truly, truly incredible. I’m excited for all these people and for you guys as well to see this journey come to an end.”

Alexander Calvert (Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images)
Singer on the show capturing lightning in a bottle: “You start with Jared and Jensen. These guys right from the jump. You just believe them. They’re close personally. They’re close as characters. Over the course of 14 seasons you’re going to have scripts that are less good than others but they always give their level solid best. They carry us through.”
Nostalgia fever was on high when Singer honored creator Eric Kripke. And a video narrated by Jim Beaver paid tribute to “Baby,” the Chevy Impala that transports the Winchester brothers around the country as they save people and hunt things.
After the video, Ackles and Padalecki got the opportunity to deliver news that stunned everyone in attendance. They gave away a fully restored 1967 Impala to a lucky fan. Laura Dittrich of Grants Pass, Oregon won the replica that includes a hidden weapons box and a Devil’s Trap on the interior of the trunk. Rick Blevins of Kansas was responsible for restoring the classic car.
Before the panel ended, the cast couldn’t keep their emotions bottled up. Padalecki had tissues ready to go in his pocket. Collins wasn’t surprised at the tears.

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
“We were all backstage promising each other that we weren’t going to cry. And we all knew that we were lying to each other,” he said.
But it was while Ackles thanked the fans they had to take a moment. “Thanks for showing up. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. It’s an amazing thing to see. We love you guys very much.”

(Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Supernatural, 15th and Final Season Premiere, Thursday, October 10, 8/7c, The CW