David Lynch: Twin Peaks’ Showtime Revival is ‘Happening Again’

TV Tattle

David Lynch: Twin Peaks’ Showtime revival is “happening again”
Salary and budgetary differences with Showtime have been resolved, Lynch tweeted this evening: “Dear Twitter Friends, the rumors are not what they seem ….. It is !!! Happening again. #TwinPeaks returns on @SHO_Network.” It was April 5 when Lynch announced he wouldn’t be part of the Showtime revival due to budgetary differences. PLUS: Lynch will direct all episodes, which will total more than the previously announced 9: “This damn fine cup of coffee from Mark (Frost) and David tastes more delicious than ever,” Showtime president David Nevins says in a statement. “Totally worth the extra brewing time and the cup is even bigger than we expected. David will direct the whole thing which will total more than the originally announced nine hours. Pre production starts now!!”