Your Burning ‘IWTV’ Questions Answered by Jacob Anderson, Sam Reid & More (VIDEO)
You asked, and Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid answered. So did Delainey Hayles, Eric Bogosian, and Assad Zaman! In TV Insider’s exclusive interview (embedded above), the stars of AMC‘s Interview With the Vampire Season 2 answer fan questions submitted to us on social media.
One question on many fans’ minds were what songs the cast would use to describe their character’s arcs this season (premiering Sunday, May 12 at 9/8c). For Anderson, Taylor Swift‘s “Anti-Hero” rings true. For Reid, it’s Fiona Apple‘s “Criminal.” Bogosian and Hayles can’t help but laugh at their answers, “Walk on the Wild Side” by Lou Reed and “Livin’ in the Sunlight, Lovin’ in the Moonlight” by Maurice Chavalier. (Dive back into Zaman’s fan questions video here.)
Another big question: What surprised the cast most about this season? Their answers above indicate the twists baked into Part 2 of this adaptation, brought to life by showrunner Rolin Jones and his team of writers. For every book change the show makes, Reid assures that each tweak both honors author Anne Rice‘s original work and makes for a captivating new take on the source material.
“Favorite bits from Part 2 of the book are there, but they’ve been adapted in a very, very unique way,” the Australian actor says, adding, “It really does work out in the wash.”
The biggest change of the entire series came in its premise: the titular interview is set in Dubai in 2022 rather than San Francisco in 1973, though that original interview is still a key piece of this vampiric puzzle. Daniel Molloy (Bogosian) is more committed to the Dubai interview than ever in the second season, and Anderson reveals above that “how much of the plot happens in Dubai” was one of the biggest surprises when first reading the scripts.
This was a continuation of Jones’ blunt warning to Anderson at the end of Season 1: “I’m going to f**k you up in Dubai,” Anderson recalls Jones saying. Gulp!
See more fan questions answered in the full video interview above. For a deep dive into Interview With the Vampire Season 2, check out TV Insider’s first-ever digital cover story featuring the stars of the most anticipated show of the spring.
Interview With the Vampire, Season 2 Premieres Sunday, May 12, 9/8c, AMC and AMC+