‘HSMTMTS’ and More YA Shows With Real Teen Casts

Picture this: You’re back in high school and you settle in to watch that hit teen show everyone is talking about. You’re greeted with an unfamiliar world of perfection: rock-solid abs, filled-out curves, clear skin. Meanwhile, you’re rocking braces, just started Accutane, and are holding out hope for another growth spurt.
For years, teen shows would often cast fully grown adults to play characters as young as 15 (I’m looking at you, Jason Earles), so it’s no surprise we never looked like them during our adolescence. Even so, there’s a part of us that couldn’t help but feel small when we saw them on screen. There were a few shows here and there that got it, but luckily, it seems the industry as a whole has caught on, and more shows are casting actors and actresses who are much closer to the age they’re portraying.
Scroll down for 10 teen shows that won’t make you feel so bad about that freshman yearbook photo that still haunts your nightmares.