Sneak Peek: ‘The Price Is Right’ Celebrates Its ‘Best of 2018’ (VIDEO)

The Price Is Right
Monty Brinton/CBS

We can all agree that 2018 was definitely an interesting year. Actors and anchors overstepped, shows got shut down at the speed of a tweet, Washington made The West Wing look like a comedy. It was all a bit extra.

Still, there was a lot of fun to be had and The Price Is Right rang up some serious goodwill over the last 12 months as the game-show staple hit a few major milestones.

The long-running show won an Emmy, introduced a new male model (hell, ex-NFL hottie Devin Goda), and broke the record for most money ever won on daytime TV. Not too shabby, huh?

So it’s only, well, right that Price celebrate its accomplishments! Which is why host Drew Carey and the crew will be showcasing (get it?) a “Best of 2018” episode on New Year’s Eve that counts down the moments from the below exclusive clip as well as a slew of other memorable bits they have marked along the way. Cheers!

The Price is Right, weekdays, 11a/10 ET, CBS