‘Sweetpea’ EP Teases Rhiannon’s ‘True Coming of Rage’ in Finale — Watch Sneak Peek (VIDEO)
Is Rhiannon Lewis about to get away with murder? The once tortured wallflower, played by Yellowjackets’ Ella Purnell, has sliced, stabbed, and pushed her way through bullies in Starz’s six-episode drama, Sweetpea. It all started with a rude drunken man in a dark corner, but now Rhiannon has worked her way up to serial killer status.
In this week’s season-ender, “Life 2.0,” she fully transforms. “Episode 6 feels like Rhiannon’s true coming of rage,” executive producer Kirstie Swain says. “She’s blossomed into something quite unrecognizable, essentially going from a shrinking violet to a Venus flytrap.”
The Gazette’s awkward administrative assistant, who was recently promoted to junior reporter, might have learned how to become a deadly murderess, but can she evade the police who have been searching for London’s latest killer, especially the equally overlooked junior detective Marina (Leah Harvey)? (Watch an exclusive sneak peek of Rhiannon being questioned above.) And what about avoiding her fellow reporter colleagues, like sweet AJ (Bridgerton’s Calam Lynch)?
“Until now, Rhiannon’s view of the world was quite black and white… She thinks there are two types of people in the world, ‘victims’ and ‘bullies.’ It underpins her entire moral code, but Julia [Nicôle Lecky] is the one who makes her see that it’s not that simple. Maybe Rhiannon has been telling herself quite a convenient narrative in order to justify what she’s been doing in her life until now?” explains Swain.
In fact, Rhiannon commits her latest murder for her former bully Julia, pushing the real estate agent’s abusive husband Marcus (Dino Kelly) off a balcony at the conclusion of the latest hour. Unfortunately, it’s that death that could send Rhiannon to the slammer. Will Julia cover for her?
“She has gained so much — it’s like murder makes her life better — until it doesn’t,” Swain says. “There’s quite a sad moral to the story, too, which is, Rhiannon didn’t need to go as far as she did in order to be seen because the people who mattered the most, already saw her.”
The fateful ender won’t be easy for Rhiannon, who has always felt invisible to everyone around her. “It’s the episode where people finally see her for who she is, but what she comes to realize is that she doesn’t always get to choose what version, and sometimes people won’t like what they see,” the exec notes. “That realization comes at great emotional cost.”
Well, do you see her now?
Sweetpea, Season Finale, Friday, November 15, 8/7c, Starz, or on the Starz App