10 Biggest Prize Packages in ‘The Price Is Right’ History

If you’re lucky enough to “come on down” on The Price Is Right, you’re likely to win hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars in prizes and cash. In the CBS game show’s 52nd season, for example, winners earned from $509 at the low end to $84,187 at the high end, according to The Price Is Right Stats.
But a lucky few have won six-figure prize packages on The Price Is Right, according to TPIR Stats’ hall of fame. Here are the top 10 daytime winners from the show and the prizes they won…
10. Two cars, a cruise, etc.: $140, 235
During late Price Is Right host Bob Barker’s final daytime episode, he watched a contestant named Denise win a 52-inch HDTV ($2,799), a Chevrolet Corvette ($45,675), and a $1,000 Showcase Showdown. But it was the Showcase itself where Denise really hit it big, winning an electric grill, a Mediterranean cruise, and a Cadillac XLR, all totaling $90,761.
9. A BMW and a whole lot more: $140,236
After scoring $1,000 in the Showcase Showdown in a 2013 episode, contestant Cassidy won a $37,374 Showcase that included a BMW 128i, a trip to San Diego, and $2,000 worth of massages. But it was the 1/2 Off game where she got the big bucks: By correctly guessing the prices of various prizes, Cassidy got the grand prize of $100,000 (and started throwing cash around the stage in glee).
8. Civic, California, and cash: $143,545
One year and one month later, Big Money Week paid off for a contestant named Mark. He won patio furniture, a barbecue island, and a Honda Civic in a Showcase worth $41,535. He also got a trip to San Diego, California, worth $2,010, in the opening bidding. Like Cassidy, however, he hit pay dirt in his pricing game: A round of Grand Game got him $100,000.
7. Three cars, a hot tub, and NYC: $147,517
Vicky Ann was lucky enough to win a Double Showcase in The Price Is Right’s Season 35 premiere in 2006, with a guess just $239 over the actual retail value of her showcase. And so she won both showcases: one included four digital cameras, a New York City trip, and a Saturn Sky totaling $33,089; the other featured a home theater system, an arcade game, and a Dodge Viper totaling $89,739. And earlier in the episode, Vicky Ann scored a $3,495 hot tub and a $20,194 Dodge Caravan!
6. Dream Car Week windfall: $147,621
In 2016, The Price Is Right’s Dream Car Week revved up contestant Adrain. He won five handbags ($1,430) in the opening bidding, and a game of Golden Road got him a Sony Playstation 4 ($735) and living room furniture and an HDTV ($6,314). But that Golden Road also led him to a $139,142 Mercedes-Benz S550 4-Matic!
5. Audi, Ireland, and then some: $159,040
A contestant named Melissa, on the other hand, got even luckier during 2022’s Dream Car Week. She scored $1,000 in the Showcase Showdown, and her Showcase got her a pool table, an outdoor living room, an outdoor games set, and a trip to Cork, Ireland, altogether valued at $32,424. Earlier in the show, the opening bidding got Melissa two Apple iPods and two sets of Apple AirPods, valued at $1,096. And the 10 Chances game got her a $40 travel pillow, two Fitbit trackers worth $530… and a $123,950 Audi e-tron GT Quattro.
4. Spyder woman’s big win: $170,345
And speaking of luxury sports cars, contestant Sheree earned a pricey set of wheels during the game show’s Best of 2013 special. She went home with four sets of Prada shoes totaling $3,045, gas money totaling $10,000, and an Audi R8 V8 Spyder Quattro S-Tronic worth $157,300. Sheree’s T-shirt told us it was a bucket-list item of hers to “come on down” on The Price Is Right, but she couldn’t have expected a win that big!
3. A dinette, a pizza oven, and a big check: $204,195
Big Money Week strikes again! In 2018, Jody successfully bid on an outdoor dinette and a pizza oven, together worth $4,195. Then came the Pay the Rent game, in which Jody won an amazing $200,000. That tidy sum should pay the rent for a long time, we’d imagine!
2. A laptop, a 3D printer, and an even bigger check: $212,876
During 2016’s Big Money Week, contestant Christen got onto the Price Is Right stage with the winning bid for a writing desk, a Lenovo laptop, and a LulzBot 3D printer, all worth $2,770. Then, during a game of Cliff Hangers, Christen won a $22 Sunbeam steam iron, a $35 Holmes portable heater, a $49 Hamilton Beach drink mixer, and — drumroll, please — a cash prize of $210,000.
1. Big Money Week jackpot: $262,743
The biggest winner in daytime The Price Is Right history, though, is a contestant named Michael, who in 2019 won a total of $262,743. That included a $29,446 Showcase including a trip to Fiji and a Nissan Sentra S, a $29,657 Big Money Week bonus, a $70 hair trimmer, a $35 humidifier, a $60 video game console, a $1,475 diamond bracelet, and the $202,000 he won with Plinko. (His T-shirt read, “Plinko Is My Cardio,” so perhaps he’d been preparing for that moment of glory!)