Did ‘Quantum Leap’ Just Set Up a Way to Bring Sam Beckett Home?

Spoiler Alert
[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for the Quantum Leap Season 2 finale “Against Time.”]
The team on Quantum Leap now has a code that leads to so many questions about these trips through time to right wrongs and the people making them and the different ways it could be used, which, of course, leads us to wonder: Could it bring Sam Beckett (Scott Bakula, in the original series) home?
The DARPA code that Ian (Mason Alexander Park) was working on in the present turned out to be created by Hannah (Eliza Taylor), Ben’s (Raymond Lee) love interest he kept running into on leaps, to bring him home. But, as the team learned, someone would have to swap places with him. Addison (Caitlin Bassett), Ben’s ex-fiancée and the one who was supposed to leap in the first place before he did to save her life, volunteered to do so. Only, in the final moments, instead, Ben and Addison were reunited in the past, now both leapers.
Did Hannah know her code would do that? “In my mind, I think Hannah knew what she was doing and obviously the code worked in that it did bring someone into leap space again. I think the question will become, does her code function to pull people out? And if it does, when might that happen and who might we pull out and do we need to swap someone else in? I think it opens the door for a lot of exciting possibilities,” executive producer Dean Georgaris told TV Insider.
So, of course, we had to ask: Does that mean that it could pull Sam out? “Look, Sam as a character always looms large in Quantum Leap and so we never want to shut the door for that possibility,” Georgaris said. “But I think for now we want to focus on telling stories so that if we run into Sam it will be more of a surprise than, say, something that we’ve planned.”
Of course, first the NBC drama needs to be renewed in order to tell any more stories. We’ll be sitting here crossing our fingers that it is, especially after that finale ending!