What’s Worth Watching: Backstreet Boys are Back in Action

Backstreet Boys
Backstreet Boys

VH1 Rock Docs: Backstreet Boys (Friday, April 3, 9/8c, VH1)

Yeah, so what if this is just another attempt to capitalize on ’90s nostalgia? That doesn’t mean it’s not worth watching the TV premiere of the Backstreet Boys’ documentary Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of. Brian, Nick, A.J., Kevin, Howie—they’re all here, having struggled through the Boy Band Dark Age that lasted from around 2001 until the early 2010s. The film goes behind the scenes of the recording of their reunion album and their wildly successful recent tour with New Kids on the Block, but as one member wonders, “What do you do when you’re a full-grown man in a boy band?” Take heed, One Direction.