9 Best ‘Twilight’ Couples, Ranked

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in 'The Twilight Saga'; Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner in 'The Twilight Saga'
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In a new piece of “Do you feel old?” news, The Twilight Saga: New Moon is officially 15 years old. That means the first movie can now drive. The Twilight book series was already very popular in the mid-aughts, but the creation of the Twilight film franchise jettisoned the saga into the stratosphere of a global phenomenon.

Millions of people around the world became invested in Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward’s (Robert Pattinson) tortured romance. New Moon specifically exacerbated the Team Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Team Edward fan wars that divided the fandom into civil war debates. We all know who Bella chose in the end, but celebrating New Moon had us thinking about all of the couples in Twilight that make the saga the Swooon-worthy favorite that it is.