Malta Story
Cast & Crew

Alec Guinness Flight Lt. Peter Ross

Jack Hawkins Air CO Frank

Anthony Steele Wing Cmdr. Bartlett

Muriel Pavlow Maria Gonzar

Flora Robson Melita Gonzar

Renee Asherson Joan Rivers

Ralph Truman Vice Adm. Willie Banks

Reginald Tate Vice Adm. Payne

Hugh Burden Eden

Nigel Stock Giuseppe Gonzar, aka Ricardi

Harold Siddons Matthews

Rosalie Crutchley Carmella Gonzar

Michael Medwin Ramsey

Ronald Adam British Officer

Brian Desmond Hurst Director

Peter de Sarigny Producer

Earl St. John Executive Producer

William Fairchild Screenwriter

Nigel Balchin Screenwriter

William Alwyn Original Music

Robert Krasker Cinematography

Michael Gordon Film Editing

Weston Drury Casting

John Howell Art Director
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1953 Movie
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1953 Movie
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