Bringing Christmas Home
Cast & Crew
Jill Wagner Caroline Upton
Paul Greene Russell Carlisle
Simon Arblaster Alton Bush
Jess Brown Jules Carlisle
Cameron Paisley Soldier
Veronica Cormier Soldier's Wife
Tanis Dolman Swanson Grandaughter
Gardiner Millar Silas
Mike Rohl Director
Alison Spuck McNeeley Screenwriter
Casie Tabanou Screenwriter
Arielle Boisvert Producer
Susie Belzberg Krevoy Executive Producer
Paul Greene Executive Producer
Amy Krell Executive Producer
Brad Krevoy Executive Producer
Lorenzo Nardini Executive Producer
Jameson Parker Executive Producer
Mike Rohl Executive Producer
Jill Wagner Executive Producer
Patrick Carroll Film Editing
Sarah Stapleton Art Director
Judith Feller Costume Design
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2023 Movie
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2023 Movie
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