Bob Saget Autopsy Reveals New Details About His Health & Cause Of Death

Earlier this week, Bob Saget’s family released a statement revealing that the beloved star died after hitting his head in an accident. Now an official autopsy has confirmed that the long-time America’s Funniest Home Videos host died from “blunt head trauma.”
Saget was found dead in his room at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando Sunday, January 9.
“It is in my opinion that the death of Robert Saget, a 65-year-old white male found unresponsive in a hotel room, is the result of blunt head trauma. It is the most probable that the decedent suffered an unwitnessed fall backwards and struck the posterior aspect of his head. The manner of death is accident,” said Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua D. Stephany (via CNN).
The report also revealed that Saget was positive for Covid-19 — he had said in December that he’d had the virus, and PCR tests can show positive results weeks after recovery. The autopsy also showed Saget had an enlarged heart, 95% blocked on one side. No alcohol was found in his system.
The star’s close friend, singer John Mayer has revealed that he’s been working a tribute song since the legendary comedian’s tragic passing.
Speaking with Andy Cohen ahead of his SiriusXM and Pandora Small Stage Series Show, Mayer opened up about his friendship with the late Full House star.
“I have this song that’s my friend, sort of my little collection plate for ideas or thoughts I have about Bob,” Mayer explained (via People). “I put it in the plate and keep working on the song. I work on it when I’m in the car and driving. I know how the song goes. This song that I have is very much this connected tissue I have to him, and I just keep working on it.”
The Grammy-winning singer recently accompanied the comedian Jeff Ross to pick up Saget’s car from LAX airport. In a video released at the time, Mayer said of Saget, “I’ve never known a human being on this Earth who could give that much love, individually and completely, to that many people in a way that made each person feel like he was a main character in their life and they were a main character in his life.”
Adding to that in his interview with Cohen, Mayer stated, “Bob knew how much I loved him mostly because I said, ‘I love you too.’ And he engendered that relationship with us. I would not have said it to him as much if he had not said it to me first repeatedly.”
Be sure to get your copy of TV Guide Magazine’s Celebrating Bob Saget Special Issue, which is available to purchase online now at