Tommy Boy
Cast & Crew

Chris Farley Thomas 'Tommy' Callahan III

David Spade Richard Hayden

Brian Dennehy Thomas 'Big Tom' Callahan II

Bo Derek Beverly Barish-Burns

Dan Aykroyd Ray Zalinsky

Julie Warner Michelle Brock

Sean McCann Frank Rittenhauer

Zach Grenier Ted Reilly

Peter Segal Director

Bonnie Turner Writer

Terry Turner Writer

Robert K. Weiss Executive Producer

Lorne Michaels Executive Producer

Bill Berry Original Music

Jack Blades Original Music

Chris Boardman Original Music

Peter Buck Original Music

Mike Mills Original Music

Michael Muhlfriedel Original Music

David Newman Original Music

J. Steven Soles Original Music

Michael Stipe Original Music

Victor J. Kemper Cinematography

William Kerr Film Editing

Alicia Keywan Production Design

Stephen J. Lineweaver Production Design

Gordon Sim Set Decoration

Patti Unger Costume Design

Lorne Michaels Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewUpcoming TV Airings
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Saturday, February 15
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Sunday, February 16
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Monday, February 17
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Wednesday, February 19
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Friday, February 21
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Saturday, February 22
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Sunday, February 23
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Tuesday, February 25
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.
Thursday, February 27
A ne'er-do-well auto-parts heir must stop his father's widow from selling the business.