Raid on Entebbe
Cast & Crew
Peter Finch Yitzhak Rabin
Martin Balsam Daniel Cooper
Horst Buchholz Wilfred Boese
Charles Bronson Brig. Gen. Dan Shomron
John Saxon Maj. Gen. Benny Peled
Jack Warden Lt. Gen. Mordechai Gur
Sylvia Sidney Dora Bloch
Yaphet Kotto President Idi Amin - Jr.
Robert Loggia Yigal Allon
James Woods Capt. Sammy Berg
Dinah Manoff Rachel Sager
Mariclare Costello Gabrielle Krieger
Stephen Macht Lt. Col. Yonatan "Yonni" Netanyahu
Tige Andrews Shimon Peres
Eddie Constantine Capt. Michel Becaud
Warren Kemmerling Gad Yaakobi
David Opatoshu Menachem Begin
Allan Arbus Eli Melnick
Aharon Ipalé Maj. David Grut
Harvey Lembeck Mr. Harvey
Kim Richards Alice
Irvin Kershner Director
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1976 Movie
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1976 Movie
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