Mystery of the Wax Museum
Cast & Crew
Lionel Atwill Ivan Igor
Fay Wray Charlotte Duncan
Glenda Farrell Florence Dempsey
Frank McHugh Jim
Gavin Gordon George Winton
Edwin Maxwell Joe Worth
Holmes Herbert Dr. Rasmussen
Arthur Edmund Carewe Professor Darcy
Allen Vincent Ralph Burton
Monica Bannister Joan Gale
Matthew Betz Hugo
DeWitt Jennings Police Captain
Thomas Jackson Detective
Bull Anderson Janitor (uncredited)
Pat O'Malley Plainclothesman (uncredited)
Michael Curtiz Director
Henry Blanke Producer
Don Mullaly Screenwriter
Carl Erickson Screenwriter
Ray Rennahan Cinematography
George Amy Film Editing
Anton Grot Art Director
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
1933 Movie
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1933 Movie
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