Christmas by Design
Cast & Crew
Rebecca Dalton Charlotte
Jonathan Keltz Spencer
Joanna Douglas Kristina
Susan Hamann Olivia
Debra Hale Deedee
Adriana Vasquez Margo
Tomas Chovanec Peter
Scott Gibson Roger
David Pinard Evan
Tim Progosh Rick
Catherine Saindon Jillian
Jinesea Bianca Lewis Gwen
Rodrigues A. Williams Landlord
Viggo Hanvelt Ben
Ani Kyd Wolf Director
Carley Smale Screenwriter
Josie Fitzgerald Producer
Andrew C. Erin Executive Producer
Timothy O. Johnson Executive Producer
Christian Bielz Cinematography
Mitch Lackie Film Editing
Russ Howard Original Music
Ron Leach Casting
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Art Director
Amanda Collie Costume Design
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2023 Movie
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2023 Movie
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