12 O’Clock High

12 O'Clock High - ABC







High-flying adventures from the 918th Bombardment Group stationed in London during WWII.

Where to Stream

1964–1967 Series 3 Seasons78 Episodes

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Upcoming TV Airings

The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.

Sunday, December 8

Big Brother

Season 2 • Episode 5

Gallagher's brother blames a costly German attack on the landing of Gallagher's squadron.

Sunday, December 15

The Hotshot

Season 2 • Episode 6

The leader of a P-51 fighter squadron blames the B-17 pilots for the loss of a plane.

Sunday, December 22

Duel at Mont Sainte Marie

Season 3 • Episode 14

A nun won't evacuate her hilltop retreat, despite the fact that the Germans are using it as cover.