Let It Be (1970)

Premiere Date
Streaming Premiere:

Let It Be (1970) - Disney+







An intimate, fly-on-the-wall glimpse into the making of an album by the iconic British band during a time of creative and interpersonal tensions that foreshadowed their eventual breakup.

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1970 Documentary

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1970 Documentary

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Matt Roush

Matt Roush says...

The long-awaited re-release of Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s 1970 music documentary is a dream come true for Beatles fans who have been longing to see the film for decades, with interest further fueled by Peter Jackson’s Emmy-winning 2021 documentary The Beatles: Get Back. The film, available for the first time in 50 years, has been restored by Jackson’s production team, depicting the band as they write and record their final studio album, culminating in a memorable rooftop concert in January 1969. The movie’s initial release in May 1970 was clouded by the Beatles’ public break-up a month earlier and can now be viewed with a more nostalgic lens as a last musical statement by a legendary band that has stood the test of time.

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