The Young Person’s Guide to Becoming a Rock Star
Cast & Crew
Frank Gallagher Ossie MacAllister
Simone Lahbib Fiona Johnstone
Forbes Masson Art Stilton
Stephen McCole Wullie MacBoyne
Ciarán McMenamin Jeremy 'Jez' MacAllister
Duncan Marwick Psycho MacPhail
Barbara Rafferty Alice MacAllister
Nicola Stapleton Joe Nardone
Eric Barlow Kenny Dick
Gerard Butler Marty Claymore
Ricky Callan Simon
Keith Allen Slick Sloan
Sheree Folkson Director
Kieron J. Walsh Director
Bryan Elsley Writer
Bryan Elsley Creator
Peter Norris Producer
Suzan Harrison Executive Producer
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1998 Series 1 Season6 Episodes
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1998 Series 1 Season6 Episodes
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