The Listener (2009)
Cast & Crew
Craig Olejnik Toby Logan
Lauren Lee Smith IIB Sergeant Michelle McCluskey
Ennis Esmer Oz Bey
Rainbow Sun Francks Corp. Dev Clark
Peter Stebbings Alvin Klein
Kris Holden-Ried Adam Reynolds
Tara Spencer-Nairn Sandy Wardwell
Melanie Scrofano Tia Tremblay
Anthony Lemke Brian Becker
Natalie Krill Alex Kendrick
Christina Jennings Executive Producer
Scott Garvie Executive Producer
Michael Amo Executive Producer
Russ Cochrane Executive Producer
Glen Davis Executive Producer
Bill Laurin Executive Producer
⨁Full Cast & CrewWhere to Stream
2009–2014 Series 5 Seasons67 Episodes
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2009–2014 Series 5 Seasons67 Episodes
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