The Great Sinner
Cast & Crew
Gregory Peck Fedja
Ava Gardner Pauline Ostrovsky
Melvyn Douglas Armand de Glasse
Walter Huston Gen. Ostrovsky
Ethel Barrymore Grandmother Ostrovsky
Frank Morgan Aristide Pitard
Agnes Moorehead Emma Getzel
Ludwig Stossel Hotel Manager
Ludwig Donath Doctor
Erno Verebes Valet
Curt Bois Jeweler
Martin Garralaga Maharajah
Robert Siodmak Director
Gottfried Reinhardt Producer
Ladislas Fodor Screenwriter
Christopher Isherwood Screenwriter
Bronislau Kaper Original Music
George J. Folsey Cinematography
Harold F. Kress Film Editing
Cedric Gibbons Art Director
Hans Peters Art Director
Edwin B. Willis Set Decoration
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1949 Movie
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1949 Movie
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