The Christmas Break
Cast & Crew
Justin Long Jack Bradford
India Mullen Caroline Bradford
Tom Moran Cormac
Ruth Kearney Maeve
Cate Russell Pauline
Owen Roe Calum Reilly
Brid Ni Neacthain Nadine Reilly
Aoife Hughes Saoirse
Arlo Buchann Liam
Aaron Monaghan Aiden
Shane G. Casey Mike
Oran Lynch Pharmacy Assistant
Prarthana Mohan Director
Jed Elinoff Screenwriter
Scott Thomas Screenwriter
David Collins Producer
Edwina Forkin Producer
Jed Elinoff Executive Producer
Hannah Pillemer Executive Producer
Fernando Szew Executive Producer
Scott Thomas Executive Producer
Jill DiBiase Film Editing
Aaron Gilhuis Original Music
Emma Gunnery Casting
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2023 Movie
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2023 Movie
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