Hardcastle and McCormick
Cast & Crew
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1983–1986 Series 3 Seasons67 Episodes
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Upcoming TV Airings
The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Tuesday, December 3
Whistler's Pride
Season 1 • Episode 15
Hardcastle races his inherited Thoroughbred, unaware a desperate woman has fixed the competition.
Wednesday, December 4
Mr. Hardcastle Goes to Washington
Season 1 • Episode 16
Mark and Hardcastle investigate a plot against the judge's nomination to the Supreme Court.
Thursday, December 5
School for Scandal
Season 1 • Episode 17
A society-party heist leads Milt and Mark to a sophisticated, crime-school founder (Robert Culp).
Friday, December 6
The Georgia Street Motors
Season 1 • Episode 18
An inmate's decision to forgo parole leads to a band of vigilante judges; guest Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
Monday, December 9
A retired judge and his last defendant look at cases that were dismissed due to technicalities.
Tuesday, December 10
A retired judge and his last defendant look at cases that were dismissed due to technicalities.
Wednesday, December 11
A retired judge and his last defendant look at cases that were dismissed due to technicalities.
Thursday, December 12
A retired judge and his last defendant look at cases that were dismissed due to technicalities.
Friday, December 13
A retired judge and his last defendant look at cases that were dismissed due to technicalities.
Monday, December 16
A retired judge and his last defendant look at cases that were dismissed due to technicalities.
Tuesday, December 17
A retired judge and his last defendant look at cases that were dismissed due to technicalities.