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2006 Reality Series 12 Seasons152 Episodes
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The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.
Thursday, October 10
Rookie Year
Episode 2
Whitney Winnett is off to Kansas to chase big bucks with a muzzleloader.
Friday, October 11
Rookie Year
Episode 2
Whitney Winnett is off to Kansas to chase big bucks with a muzzleloader.
Friday, October 11
Rookie Year
Episode 2
Whitney Winnett is off to Kansas to chase big bucks with a muzzleloader.
Saturday, October 12
Rookie Year
Episode 2
Whitney Winnett is off to Kansas to chase big bucks with a muzzleloader.
Tuesday, October 15
Woods County Whitetails
Episode 3
The crew is in Oklahoma on a youth hunt; Wesley Weaver knocks down the biggest buck of his life.
Thursday, October 17
Woods County Whitetails
Episode 3
The crew is in Oklahoma on a youth hunt; Wesley Weaver knocks down the biggest buck of his life.
Thursday, October 17
Woods County Whitetails
Episode 3
The crew is in Oklahoma on a youth hunt; Wesley Weaver knocks down the biggest buck of his life.
Friday, October 18
Woods County Whitetails
Episode 3
The crew is in Oklahoma on a youth hunt; Wesley Weaver knocks down the biggest buck of his life.
Friday, October 18
Woods County Whitetails
Episode 3
The crew is in Oklahoma on a youth hunt; Wesley Weaver knocks down the biggest buck of his life.
Saturday, October 19
Woods County Whitetails
Episode 3
The crew is in Oklahoma on a youth hunt; Wesley Weaver knocks down the biggest buck of his life.