Kiss the Future

Premiere Date
Movie Premiere:

Kiss the Future - Paramount+







An underground community and the band U2 works to raise awareness about the 1990s siege of Sarajevo, Bosnia.

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2023 Documentary

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2023 Documentary

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Matt Roush

Matt Roush says...

An inspiring documentary from producers Ben Affleck and Matt Damon depicts the healing and restorative power of art and music during the darkest times of war. The setting is the devastated city of Sarajevo in the former Yugoslavia, where citizens turned to music, including in underground discos, to keep spirits high during the ravages of the Bosnian War of the 1990s. When American aid worker Bill S. Carter reached out to rock band U2 to raise awareness, the musicians began a series of satellite transmissions with people in Sarajevo during their concerts, culminating in a post-war performance in the city in 1997 before an audience of 45,000 grateful survivors.

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